He’s been the drummer for Bon Jovi since the band started in 1983; Tico Torres was rushed to the hospital over the weekend to undergo emergency gall bladder surgery. The band addressed Tico’s condition in a statement on their website, where Tico also had a message for fans:
I would like to say a quick Thank You to all of you who have kept me in your thoughts thus far. I am very disappointed not to be able to perform but our friend Rich Scannella will stand in for me. You are in good hands.
Tico is expected to return to the stage and the Bon Jovi tour in the very near future. But Rick Stacy couldn’t help but wonder how the band ego, Jon Bon Jovi himself, really felt about the sitaution. Listen below as Rick imagines a voicemail from Jon left for Tico at the hospital!
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